Honington & Sapiston WI meeting on Tuesday 14 January 2025
Adrian Hoyle - Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Adrian Hoyle, started by recounting tales of flying of his own, then told us of his work with the War Graves Commission.
War grave sites are in many towns and villages throughout the country and are cared for beautifully to satisfy the pledge that they will be permanent. There are sites throughout Europe and in many Commonwealth countries. Adrian is very passionate about his work and it was a fascinating, illustrated talk which held everyone's attention.
The competition, wartime memorabilia, was judged by Adrian and he wanted to explain how he chose the winners. He had been "blown away" by the range of entries. A "death penny" from WW1 was something he knew about but had only seen on TV and now had touched! The distinguished flying cross medal has an engraving on the back for 1918 when the RAF was founded making it rare and therefore valuable. The Home Guard Training Manual was of special interest because of the village's association with Dad's Army and there was a gas mask still in its case.
1st Jenny ( Home Guard Manual) 2nd Julia (Death Penny) and 3rd Molly (Gas Mask)
Adrian's enthusiasm was very apparent and a great deal of interest from the members reflected this.
For more information on the CWGC and our local War Graves in Honington click on the links below: